
Hyacinthe Klose - Methode Complete De Clarinette, Vol. 1 豎笛

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$1,450TWD - $1,450TWD

"這本由 Hyacinthe Klosé(1808-1880 年)所著的《單簧管演奏法全集》第 1 卷是單簧管初學者演奏法的第一卷,共分 5 冊,對於提高速度、技巧和發音絕對是必不可少的。單簧管演奏法全集》第一卷包含以下內容: - 技巧的基本要素 - 音階和音區的初步學習 銜接、表現、裝飾音和琶音 這套叢書包括針對初學者、中級和高級水準演奏者的學習和練習,並附有評論和建議。書中還有一些學生與教授的二重奏。Hyacinthe Klosé(1808-1880 年)是法國單簧管演奏家、作曲家和巴黎音樂學院教授。他參與了 Boehm 系統單簧管的設計。1847 年,他成為義大利劇院的單簧管獨奏家""

作曲家: Hyacinthe Klose
樂器: Clarinet
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
“This Complete Method for Clarinet Volume 1 by Hyacinthe Klosé (1808-1880) is the first volume of a method for Clarinet beginners written in 5 books and is absolutely essential to develop your speed, technique and articulations. This Complete Method for Clarinet Volume 1 contains the following elements: - The Rudiments of Technique - First Studies of Scales and Registers Articulations, Expressions, Ornaments and Arpeggios This series of books includes studies and exercises for beginners, intermediate and advanced level players with comments and advice. It also has some duets to be played by the student and the professor. Hyacinthe Klosé (1808-1880) is a French Clarinet player, composer and professor at the Conservatoire de Paris. He took part in the conception of the Boehm system Clarinet. He became solo Clarinet at the Théatre Italien in 1847.”

頁數: 166
重量(g): 578.34
UPC: 888680789664

