
How to Write a Song on the Guitar 吉他 歌 吉他

來自 Willis Music
$440TWD - $440TWD
$440TWD - $440TWD

這本練習冊專為任何年齡段的初出茅廬的詞曲作者而設計,只需具備最基本的吉他知識。作者愛麗森-詹姆斯(Allison James)設計的這本練習冊既可以在有老師説明的情況下使用,也可以在沒有老師説明的情況下使用,它可以細緻而簡單地指導學生完成一首包含和絃、旋律和歌詞的完整歌曲的創作過程。還可提供如何用鋼琴寫歌"

作曲家: Allison James
樂器: Guitar
出版社: Willis Music
Designed for budding songwriters of any age, this workbook requires only a minimal knowledge of the guitar. Author Allison James designed the book to be used with or without the help of a teacher, and guides the student carefully and simply through the process of writing a complete song with chords, melody, and lyrics. Also available: How to Write a Song on the Piano.

尺寸(cm): 30.48cm*22.86cm
頁數: 56
重量(g): 206.955
EAN: 9781705137048
UPC: 840126962635
