
Histoires for Piano Solo 伊貝爾 鋼琴 鋼琴

$1,460TWD - $1,460TWD
$1,460TWD - $1,460TWD

雅克-伊伯特(Jacques Ibert,1890-1962 年)是一位新古典主義作曲家,曾在 1919 年獲得羅馬大獎。這是為鋼琴而作,由阿爾方斯-勒杜克(Alphonse Leduc)編輯委託出版,使雅克-伊伯特的知名度大增。十首樂曲如下 1. La meneuse de tortures dor(《金龜子的首領》) 2. 小白驢》(Le petit âne blanc) 3. 老乞丐》(Le vieux mendicant) 4. 眩暈的女孩》5. Dans la maison triste(在悲傷的房子裡)6. Le palais abandonné(廢棄的宮殿)7. Bajo la mesa(桌子底下)8. La cage de cristal(水晶籠子)9. 淡水商人》(La marchande deau fraiche) 10. 巴爾基斯進行曲》(Le cortège de Balkis)。據說 1、2、4、8 和 10 號樂曲最初是為四手聯彈鋼琴而創作的。雅克-伊伯特(Jacques Ibert,1890-1962 年)還創作了許多交響組曲、歌劇和七部管弦樂作品,包括 Angelique (1926 年)和 Divertissement (1930 年)。他還曾負責位於羅馬梅迪西別墅的法蘭西學院,後來又擔任巴黎歌劇院的行政長官"

作曲家: Jacques Ibert
樂器: Piano
出版社: Alphonse Leduc


Composed between 1920 and 1921, Stories is a suite of ten short movements by Jacques Ibert (1890-1962), a neoclassical composer who won the Prix de Rome in 1919. Written for piano, this publication was commissioned by Alphonse Leduc editor and increased Jacques Ibert's popularity. The ten pieces are as follows: 1. La meneuse de tortures dor (The golden Turtle's leader) 2. Le petit âne blanc (The little white donkey) 3. Le vieux mendicant (The old beggar) 4. A Giddy girl5. Dans la maison triste (In the sad house) 6. Le palais abandonné (The abandoned palace) 7. Bajo la mesa (Under the table) 8. La cage de cristal (The crystal cage) 9. La marchande deau fraiche (The fresh water merchant) 10. Le cortège de Balkis (Balkis march). It is believed that the pieces 1, 2, 4, 8 and 10 were initially composed for 4-hand piano. Jacques Ibert (1890-1962) also composed many symphonic suites, operas and seven orchestras, including Angelique (1926) and Divertissement (1930). He also was in charge of the French Academy in the Villa Médicis (Roma) and was later administrator for the Paris Opera.
頁數: 30
重量(g): 136.08
UPC: 888680795054
