
Henri Tomasi - Concerto Pour Clarinette En Si Bemol Et Orchestre A Cordes 協奏曲 豎笛

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$2,460TWD - $2,460TWD

單簧管與樂隊協奏曲》出版於 1953 年,由法國作曲家、指揮家、1927 年羅馬大獎獲得者亨利-托馬西(Henri Tomasi,1901-1971 年)創作。這首協奏曲是獻給法國單簧管演奏家 Ulysse Delécluse(1907-1995 年)的,Ulysse Delécluse 因改編 J. S. Bach 的單簧管 "Quinze études "而聞名。該協奏曲的三個樂章分別被選為巴黎音樂學院的考試曲目,其中第一樂章於 1953 年被選作考試獨奏曲,第二和第三樂章於 1966 年被選作比賽獨奏曲。 這首協奏曲的開頭打破常規,單簧管單獨演奏,隨後樂隊加入。全曲還包含一些不同尋常的素材,如多音和絃和不協和音。 亨利-托馬西本人於 1957 年為這首協奏曲撰寫了注釋,描述了即興演奏對主旋律的重要性""

作曲家: Henri Tomasi
樂器: Clarinet
出版社: Alphonse Leduc


“Published in 1953, the Concerto for Clarinet and Orchestra was composed by the French composer, conductor and winner of the Grand Prix de Rome in 1927, Henri Tomasi (1901-1971). This concerto was dedicated to Ulysse Delécluse (1907-1995), a French Clarinettist known for his transcription of 'Quinze études' by J. S. Bach for the clarinet. Each of its three movements were chosen to be the examination pieces at the Paris Conservatoire, the first movement for the Examination Solo in 1953 and the second and third for the Contest Solo in 1966. This concerto begins with an unconventional start, the clarinet playing on its own and being joined later by the orchestra. It also contains some unusual material such as polychords and dissonances through the piece. Notes on this concerto by Henri Tomasi himself were written in 1957, describing the importance of the improvisation for the principal topic.”
頁數: 28
重量(g): 170.1
UPC: 888680906900
