Havanaise op. 83 聖桑斯 小提琴加鋼琴 朔特版
1885年11月,卡米耶-聖桑與古巴小提琴家迪亞茲-阿爾貝蒂尼(Diaz Albertini)一起開始了巡迴演出,在前往德國的途中,他來到了法國北部。在一個寒冷潮濕的夜晚,據說是一家沉悶的旅館裡劈啪作響的爐火給了他旋律的靈感,兩年後,他將這一靈感融入了他的《哈瓦那舞曲》中。他將這首作品獻給了他的同伴阿爾貝蒂尼。在哈瓦那舞這一起源於古巴的西班牙舞蹈中,作曲家讓小提琴沉醉於誘人的旋律中,同時也讓演奏者有充分的機會展示精湛的技巧--這是一首非常有效的華彩樂章"
作曲家: Saint-Saëns, Camille
編者: Egelhof, Maria
樂器: violin and piano
出版社: Schott Music
In November 1885 Camille Saint-Saëns set out on a concert tour with the Cuban violinist Diaz Albertini which led him to the north of France on his way to Germany. On a cold and damp evening, the crackling of an open fire in a dreary hotel is supposed to have given him the melodic idea which he incorporated in his Havanaise two years later. He dedicated this composition to his companion Albertini. It was printed for the first time in 1888; the original piano part was orchestrated by the composer too.In the habanera, a Spanish dance of Cuban origin, the composer lets the violin indulge in beguiling melodies, but also gives the performers ample opportunity for a sparkling display of brilliant technique - a very effective bravura piece.