Harlekinade 2001 Hommage à Ricardo Drigo 長笛 2把以上加鋼琴 齊默爾曼版
拉諾夫的 "小丑舞曲 "的引子充滿了印象主義色彩,隨後是自由變奏的 "Sérénade"。隨後的滑稽舞曲的靈感來自于滑稽的小丑和作曲家工作中的喜悅,而隨後的安達特舞曲則再次模仿了原作的風格。最後,達維多夫以雄壯的尾聲結束了他的創作,勾勒出俄羅斯樂派的靈魂"
作曲家: Delanoff, Robert
樂器: 2 flutes (or flute and oboe) and piano
出版社: Musikverlag Zimmermann
The introduction of Delanoff's harlequinade has an impressionistic touch, followed by a free variation of the Sérénade. The burlesque which then follows has been inspired by the association of a funny harlequin and the composer's joy in his work , whereas the succeeding Andante once again imitates the original's style. Davidoff finishes off his composition with a majestic finale which conjures up the soul of the Russian School.