
Guitare, Op. 50 for Harp 豎琴

$790TWD - $790TWD
$790TWD - $790TWD

對於中級演奏者來說,Guitare,作品 50是阿爾方斯-哈塞爾曼斯(Alphonse Hasselmans)創作的一首旋律優美的樂曲。這首曲子非常適合腳踏豎琴演奏,其中包括一些踏板變化和一些意外變化。可分為三個部分: 慢板 (3/8)、Pas trop retenu (3/4) 和速度 1 (3/8)。最後一部分是中板快板部分主題的變奏。這首豎琴作品非常適合獨奏會,演奏和聆聽都非常愉快。阿方斯-哈塞爾曼斯(Alphonse Hasselmans,1845-1912 年)是比利時出生的法國豎琴演奏家、偉大的作曲家和著名教授。他創作並轉錄了大量豎琴作品。他還編輯和評論了博克薩的作品集。他最有名的作品是一首名為《井泉》的音樂會曲目,作品 44"

作曲家: Alphonse Hasselmans
樂器: Harp
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
For intermediate players, Guitare, Op. 50 is a melodious piece by Alphonse Hasselmans. Composed ideally for pedal harps, this piece includes some pedal changes and some accidental alterations. Three sections can be differentiated: Allegro Moderato (3/8), Pas trop retenu (3/4) and Tempo 1 (3/8). The last part is a variation of the theme played in the Allegro Moderato section. Perfect for a recital, this piece for harp is really enjoyable to play and to listen to. Alphonse Hasselmans (1845-1912) is a Belgian-born French harpist, a great composer and renowned professor. He has composed and transcribed numerous works for the harp. He also edited and reviewed a collection of works by Bochsa. His most famous piece is a concert piece called The Wellspring, Op. 44.

頁數: 10
重量(g): 62.37
UPC: 888680878665

