Great Concert Fantasy, Op. 52 - Les Classiques de la Flute No. 76 for Flute and Piano 音樂會 長笛 鋼琴
法國長笛演奏家馬塞爾-莫伊塞(Marcel Moyse)評論了朱爾斯-德梅爾塞曼(Jules Demersseman,1833-1866 年)創作的《大音樂會幻想曲,作品 52》。這首為長笛和鋼琴而作的曲子以韋伯的Obéron為藍本,適合具有較高技巧和能力以及較強耐力的演奏者。作為長笛經典系列的一部分,這首編號為 76 的樂曲是由 P. Taffanel、Ph. Gaubert、M. Moyse 等人改編的作品之一。大音樂會幻想曲以鋼琴獨奏開始,不久長笛加入。主旋律在長笛樂譜第二頁頂部之前並未開始,隨後是變奏和終曲"
作曲家: Jules Edouard Demerssema
樂器: Flute
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
Composed by Jules Demersseman (1833-1866), Great Concert Fantasy, Op. 52 has been reviewed by the French flautist Marcel Moyse. Written for flute and piano, it is based on Obéron by Weber, and would fit players with advanced skills and abilities and strong endurance. Part of the series Flute Classics, this piece number 76 is among those adapted by P. Taffanel, Ph. Gaubert, M. Moyse and others. Great Concert Fantasy starts with the piano alone, soon joined by the flute. The main theme does not start before the top of the second page of the flute score which is then followed by variations and the finale.