Global Tour 豎笛3把以上
"全球巡演 "是我最喜歡的四種音樂風格的旅程:放克、爵士、克萊茲梅爾和探戈。與我的委託或出版商的想法不同,這首曲子開始時沒有任何先入為主的想法。一個放克樂句的小萌芽導致了曲調的完成,不知何故,我想到了用輕快的西海岸爵士華爾滋來接著它。加上亞伯拉罕-戈德法登 (Abraham Goldfaden) 在 1880 年創作的猶太搖籃曲《杏仁葡萄乾》(Rozhinkes mit Mandlen),我以為自己已經完成了一首名為《放克、爵士和克萊茲》的曲子,但在午夜夢回時,一個令人振奮的探戈主題把我從床上拉了起來!"(邁克-柯帝士)" (邁克-柯帝士)
作曲家: Curtis, Mike
樂器: 4 clarinets (3 clarinets in Bb and bass clarinet in Bb)
出版社: advance music GmbH
1. funky - 2. jazz waltz - 3. klez rozhinkes mit mandlen - 4. tango
“Global Tour is a journey through four of my favorite styles of music: funk, jazz, klezmer, and tango. As opposed to a commission or an idea from my publisher, this piece began without any preconception. A small germ of a funk phrase led to a finished tune, and somehow I thought to follow it with a breezy West-Coast jazz waltz. With the addition of Abraham Goldfaden’s 1880 Jewish lullaby, Rozhinkes mit Mandlen, (Raisins with Almonds) I thought I had completed something called Funk, Jazz, and Klez, but in a midnight dream a propulsive tango theme to tag on clean jerked me out of bed!” (Mike Curtis)