Gavambodi 2 (alto Saxophone And Piano) 中音薩氏管 鋼琴
"《加萬博迪 2》由雅克-夏朋蒂埃為中音薩克斯管和鋼琴而作,時長 9 分鐘,是獻給喬治-古德特(Georges Gourdet)的作品。這首曲子適合高級演奏者演奏,採用了卡納蒂克調式(n43),是演奏會上的絕佳曲目。 在這首樂曲中,我們可以將其分為三個部分:以薩克斯獨奏為開端的慢板,迅速發展為速度較快的半音階部分,技術性更強。尾聲讓人想起開頭,以兩個非常緩慢的小節結束。 這首樂曲受到他旅行(尤其是印度)的廣泛影響,也讓人聯想到他的老師(如奧利維耶-梅西安)所使用的技巧。 雅克-夏朋蒂埃(生於 1933 年)是一位法國音樂家,曾旅居印度,創作了大量作品,包括鋼琴和管風琴音樂、室內樂、舞臺音樂和管弦樂作品等"
作曲家: Jacques Charpentier
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
Gavambodi 2
”Written by Jacques Charpentier for Alto Saxophone and Piano, Gavambodi 2 is a piece lasting 9 minutes, dedicated to Georges Gourdet. Ideal for advanced players, it features the Carnatic mode (n43) and is a great work to play for a recital. We can distinguish three parts in this piece: a slow beginning, starting with the Saxophone solo, which quickly develops into a faster chromatic section, which is much more technical. The Finale is reminiscent of the beginning, ending with two very slow measures. Widely influenced by his travel, especially India, this music is also reminiscent of the techniques used by his teachers, such as Olivier Messiaen. Jacques Charpentier (b. 1933) is a French musician who lived in India and wrote numerous pieces from Piano and Organ music, to Chamber, stage and orchestra works among others.“