
Funk & Soul Power Trumpet Play With The Band 放克音樂靈魂樂小號 小號獨奏 朔特版

來自 Schott Music
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$1,380TWD - $1,380TWD

誰不喜歡演奏 Earth, Wind & Fire (Phoenix Horns)、Tower Of Power、Kool & the Gang、Blood, Sweat & Tears、Michael Jackson (Jerry Hey, Bill Reichenbach) 或 James Brown (Horny Horns) 音樂中的管樂器?這一卷向演奏者介紹了最前沿的 Funk & Soul Power 管樂伴奏,讓本版中的六首樂曲真正起飛!但這還不是全部。如果你願意,還可以扮演獨奏者的角色,在時髦的節奏部分的伴奏下,帶領管樂隊在簡單的和聲中即興演奏。本書也將教您如何做到這一點。本書還附贈一首曲目,用於練習正確的時髦樂句風格

作曲家: Dechert, Gernot
樂器: trumpet
出版社: Schott Music

Introduction - Playing with Funk & Soul Power Live - Dynamics, Articulation and Effects - Harmonics and Improvisation - The Horn Section - The Blues Scale - CD-Tracks/Data - Listening Tips - Signs and Symbols - Transcriptions - Checker's Jam - Steely Wheel - Shake It - Mixed Pickles - Good Thing - Phil's Theme - Rhythm Exercises

Who wouldn’t enjoy playing one of the wind instruments in the music of Earth, Wind & Fire (Phoenix Horns), Tower Of Power, Kool & the Gang, Blood, Sweat & Tears, Michael Jackson (Jerry Hey, Bill Reichenbach) or James Brown (Horny Horns)? This volume introduces the player to cutting-edge Funk & Soul Power wind accompaniments and really makes the six pieces in this edition take off!That’s not all, though. You can also take over the role of the soloist, if you like, leading the wind band, accompanied by the funky rhythm section and improvising over simple harmonies. This book will show you how to do it, too. Includes a bonus track for practising the right style of funky phrasing.Get the funk!
語言: English - German
頁數: 64
重量(g): 270
ISMN: 9790001137126
ISBN: 9783795757243
