
Four Scottish Sonatas 蘇格蘭 奏鳴曲 小提琴加鋼琴 朔特版

來自 Schott Music
$980TWD - $980TWD
$980TWD - $980TWD

這是'巴羅克環遊世界'系列的新成員,邀請您探索蘇格蘭巴羅克作曲家令人興奮的新曲目: 奧斯維德、裡德、麥吉本和麥金托什!這套作品包括麥金托什的 G 小調奏鳴曲的首個現代版本。這些樂曲非常適合試奏、考試和音樂會,可作為整首奏鳴曲或單樂章演奏。伴奏簡單而有效;樂器搭配靈活--適合小提琴或長笛、大提琴或巴松管以及鍵盤演奏。蘇格蘭音樂學家大衛-詹森(David Johnson)對這些奏鳴曲進行了最新研究。CD 中包括完整的演奏以及伴奏曲目"

編者: Johnson, David
樂器: violin (flute) and piano; cello (bassoon) ad libitum
出版社: Schott Music

Preface - Acknowledgements - About the editor - Editorial notes - William McGibbon: Sonata in D - James Oswals: Sonata in A, 'The Hawthorn' - General John Reid: Sonata in G - Robert Mackintosh: Sonata in G minor - About the performers - CD track list

This new addition to the ‘Baroque Around the World’ series invites you to explore exciting new repertoire by Scotland’s Baroque composers: Oswald, Reid, McGibbon and Mackintosh!This collection includes the first modern edition of Mackintosh’s G minor Sonata. These pieces are ideal for auditions and exams as well as concerts and can be performed as whole sonatas or single movements. The accompaniments are simple and effective; the instrumentation is flexible – suitable for violin or flute and cello or bassoon, plus keyboard. The sonatas are newly researched by the Scottish musicologist David Johnson. The CD includes complete performances as well as play-along tracks.
語言: English - French - German
頁數: 44
重量(g): 270
ISMN: 9790220125546
ISBN: 9781902455334
UPC: 841886006553
