
Flower Waltz op. 87 Reprint of the First edition 圓舞曲 長笛 2把以上加鋼琴 齊默爾曼版

$630TWD - $630TWD
$630TWD - $630TWD

1876 年,朱利斯-齊默爾曼(1851-1923 年)在聖彼德堡成立了一家音樂出版公司。他與埃內斯托-科勒以及其他音樂家保持著友好關係,並大量印刷了科勒的 100 多首長笛作品。這些作品大多是為長笛和鋼琴而作的浪漫沙龍曲,曲名富有想像力,其中既有技藝高超的作品,也有為技術水準較低的長笛愛好者而作的作品。Blumenwalzer 作品 87(花之圓舞曲 Blumenwalzer作品 87(花之圓舞曲)是科勒為數不多的雙長笛和鋼琴作品之一,指法難度較低。音色優美的年輕長笛演奏者可以用它來感受這種迷人而有趣的音樂的優美旋律"

作曲家: Koehler, Ernesto
編者: Eppel, Henner
樂器: 2 flutes and piano
出版社: Musikverlag Zimmermann
In 1876, Julius Zimmermann (1851-1923) established a music publishing company in St. Petersburg. He entertained friendly relations with Ernesto Köhler as well as with other musicians, and printed a great number of Köhler's more than 100 flute compositions. Most of the compositions are romantic salon pieces with imaginative names, written for flute and piano, including highly virtuoso works but also compositions for technically less skilled flute amateurs. The Blumenwalzer op. 87 (flower waltz) - one of the few Köhler pieces for 2 flutes and piano - is less difficult as regards fingering. Young flutists with a beautiful tone can use it to sense the fine melodies of this charming and entertaining kind of music.

語言: German - English - French
頁數: 24
重量(g): 120
ISMN: 9790010327808
UPC: 841886035461

