
Five Pieces op. 100 小品 小提琴加鋼琴 朔特版

來自 Schott Music
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$1,240TWD - $1,240TWD

2011年8月11日是來自奧本海姆的作曲家約翰娜-森夫特逝世50周年紀念日,她曾在法蘭克福霍赫音樂學院師從著名小提琴家,是一位訓練有素的小提琴家。難怪她一生都在創作小提琴獨奏曲目。她的創作成果既有管弦樂伴奏的音樂會作品,也有室內樂作品,既有大型作品,也有小型作品。除了深深植根于浪漫主義傳統的奏鳴曲之外,約翰娜-森弗特還為小提琴創作了鋼琴伴奏《5 Stücke》作品 100。這五首小品結合在一起,形成了一種奏鳴曲,但在演奏和作曲技巧方面,卻與它的大姐大--奏鳴曲不相上下。這是雷格的學生所創作的一部音樂要求極高但又令人受益匪淺的作品"

作曲家: Senfter, Johanna
編者: Birtel, Wolfgang
校訂者: Eichhorn, Friedemann
樂器: violin and piano
出版社: Schott Music

I - II - III - IV - V

On 11 August 2011 it is fifty years since the death of the composer Johanna Senfter from Oppenheim who actually was a trained violinist for she had studied with renowned violinists at the Hoch Conservatory in Frankfurt. No wonder that she dealt with the solo violin repertoire her whole life long. Concert works with orchestral accompaniment as well as chamber music works were the results of her compositional endeavours, and she attended to both the large and the small form. Apart from sonatas deeply rooted in the Romantic tradition, Johanna Senfter also wrote '5 Stücke' Op. 100 for violin with piano accompaniment. They are five miniatures which combine to form a kind of sonatina, while nevertheless being quite equal to its big sister, the sonata, as regards playing and compositional technique. A musically demanding, yet rewarding work by the Reger pupil.
頁數: 48
重量(g): 250
ISMN: 9790001147828
