Fire and Blood 道格爾提 小提琴加鋼琴 博浩版
火與血 "是一首小提琴與管弦樂隊協奏曲,靈感來自底特律藝術學院的著名壁畫迭戈-裡維拉的《底特律工業》。裡維拉的壁畫是 1932 年受埃德塞爾-福特委託繪製的,旨在表現底特律的汽車工業,以壁畫的形式繪製在博物館內部庭院的四面大牆上。裡維拉認為這是他職業生涯中最出色的作品,他自己也預言有可能將他的壁畫變成音樂:在我耳邊,我聽到了來自他的工廠的美妙交響樂,在那裡,金屬被塑造成為人類服務的工具。這是一種新的音樂,等待著作曲家. .賦予它可傳播的形式"
作曲家: Daugherty, Michael
樂器: violin and orchestra
出版社: Boosey & Hawkes
Fire and Blood is a concerto for violin and orchestra inspired by Diego Rivera's famous murals entitled Detroit Industry at the Detroit Institute of Arts. Rivera's murals, which were commissioned by Edsel Ford in 1932 to represent the automobile industry of Detroit, were painted in fresco on four large walls of an interior court of the museum. Rivera thought them to be the best work of his career, and himself predicted the possibility of turning his murals into music: In my ears, I heard the wonderful symphony which came from his factories where metals were shaped into tools for men's service. It was a new music, waiting for the composer. . .to give it communicable form.