Fantasy, Op. 38 (bass Trombone And Piano) 幻想曲 低音長號 鋼琴 長號
"《幻想曲,作品 38》由西吉斯蒙德-斯托約夫斯基(Sigismond Stojowski)作曲,是為低音長號和鋼琴而作。這首發表於 1912 年的抒情樂曲旋律優美,需要高超的技能和技巧才能完美演奏。 這是他移居美國後創作的首批作品之一。這首曲子可與蕭邦的《幻想曲》媲美,但斯托約夫斯基的作品似乎更出色、更高雅。 該曲有中提琴和其他樂器的轉錄本。 西吉斯蒙德-斯托約夫斯基是波蘭鋼琴家、作曲家和指揮家,曾就讀於巴黎音樂學院。他是柴可夫斯基的好友,曾在美國擔任鋼琴獨奏家,與波士頓交響樂團、三藩市交響樂團、紐約愛樂樂團等合作"
作曲家: Sigismond Stojowski
樂器: Trombone
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
Fantasy Op. 38
“Composed by Sigismond Stojowski, Fantasy, Op.38 is a piece for Bass Trombone and Piano. This lyrical piece, published in 1912, is very melodic and would require advanced skills and technique to perform it perfectly. This piece is one of the first he wrote after moving to the USA. Comparable to Chopins 'Fantasy', even though Stojowskis seems better-written and more virtuous. A transcription exists for Viola and other instruments. Sigismond Stojowski is a Polish pianist, composer and conductor who studied at the Paris Conservatoire. He was a good friend of Tchaikovsky and worked as a Piano soloist in the USA with the Boston and the San Francisco Symphony, as well as the New York Philharmonic, among others.”