
Fantasy on Little Russian Songs op. 43 波珀爾 幻想曲 歌 大提琴加鋼琴 朔特版

來自 Schott Music
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$1,030TWD - $1,030TWD

大衛-波普爾(David Popper,1843-1913 年)是朱利斯-戈爾特曼(Julius Goltermann)的學生。和他的許多音樂大師一樣,他也為後人留下了許多樂器作品,如作品 43《俄羅斯小主題幻想曲》。這首迷人的作品現在有了由著名大提琴家瑪麗亞-克裡格爾(Maria Kliegel)編輯的新版本"

作曲家: Popper, David
編者: Kliegel, Maria
樂器: cello and orchestra
出版社: Schott Music
David Popper (1843-1913), a pupil of Julius Goltermann, was not only a much-travelled and successful concert cellist. Like many of his virtuoso fellow musicians, he left a number of compositions for his instruments for posterity, such as the 'Fantasy on Little Russian Themes' Op. 43. This charming piece is now available in a new edition edited by the renowned cellist Maria Kliegel.

頁數: 40
重量(g): 170
ISMN: 9790001147637
ISBN: 9783795796068
UPC: 841886008717
