
Fantaisie pastorale roumaine op. 34 田園曲 長笛加鋼琴 齊默爾曼版

$550TWD - $550TWD
$550TWD - $550TWD

魯道夫-蒂爾梅茨 1847 年出生於慕尼克,在那裡度過了他的大半生,並於 1915 年去世。蒂爾梅茨是當時最受歡迎的長笛演奏家,其名聲遠播海外。作為作曲家,他主要創作長笛和鋼琴作品。由於作曲家深知長笛的潛力,因此《幻想曲》尤其優美動聽,充滿激情。這首曲子給觀眾留下了精湛技藝的印象,卻沒有要求通常的技術難度"

作曲家: Tillmetz, Rudolph
樂器: flute and piano
出版社: Musikverlag Zimmermann
Rudolf Tillmetz was born 1847 in Munich, where he spent most of his life, and in 1915 also died. Tillmetz was primarily popular as a leading flute virtuosos of his time, far beyond the country's borders. As a composer, he mostly appeared with works for flute and piano. The Fantasy is particularly beautiful and conveys enthusiasm, because the composer knew the possibilities of the flute. The piece creates the impression of virtuosity to the audience, without requesting the usual technical difficulties.

語言: German - English
頁數: 16
重量(g): 70
ISMN: 9790010404400
