Fantaisie Pastorale pour Hautbois et Piano for Oboe and Piano 田園曲 鋼琴雙簧管 鋼琴 田園曲 雙簧管
充分發揮雙簧管的潛力,牧歌幻想曲是高級雙簧管演奏家曲目中令人興奮且極具挑戰性的新曲目。這首由法國作曲家歐仁-博紮(Eugène Bozza,1905-1991 年)創作的樂曲從齋戒曲到快板段落,涵蓋了雙簧管的各種可能性。樂曲開頭的快板充滿情感,描繪出田園牧歌般的標題。然而,全曲的節奏逐漸加快,喚起了人們的幻想,並以繁盛的半音階達到高潮,最後以一個宏大的頓音結束。博紮的雙簧管與鋼琴牧歌幻想曲不僅具有象徵意義,還包含了令人興奮的挑戰,是雙簧管曲目中不可或缺的演奏曲目"
作曲家: Eugène Bozza
樂器: Oboe
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
Fantaisie Pastorale
Exploiting the oboe to its full potential, Fantaisie Pastorale is an exciting and challenging addition to the advanced oboists' repertoire. From Lent to Allegro passages, this piece by French composer Eugène Bozza (1905-1991) covers a huge variety of the oboe's possibilities. The piece begins with an emotional, characterised cadenza, portraying the pastoral title. However, the tempo gradually increases through the piece, evoking the fantasy aspect, climaxing with flourishing semiquavers and ending with a grand tonic cadence. Bozza's Fantaisie Pastorale for Oboe and Piano is not only symbolic, but also includes exciting challenges, making for an imperative performance piece in the oboe repertoire.