Fantaisie En Mi Bémol for Cornet or Trumpet and Piano 短號 小號(含鋼琴伴奏)
法國作曲家約瑟夫-愛德華-巴拉特(Joseph Edouard Barat,1882-1964 年)曾就讀於巴黎音樂學院,後在里昂擔任軍樂隊指揮。很明顯,他的作品受到了他在軍樂隊工作的影響,比如他膾炙人口的 E 小調幻想曲。這首巴拉特作品創作於 1958 年,也就是作曲家生命的末期,可同時適用於短號和小號。樂曲包含許多節奏變化和大量的動態對比,演奏起來既富有戲劇性,又令人愉悅。巴拉特的 E 小調幻想曲經常在考試和獨奏會上演奏,至今仍廣為流傳
作曲家: Joseph Edouard Barat
樂器: Trumpet; Cornet; Piano Accompaniment
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
Fantaisie In E-Flat
French composer Joseph Edouard Barat (1882-1964) studied at the Paris Conservatoire and went on to become a military bandmaster in Lyon. It is clear that his compositions are influenced by his work with military bands, as is the case with his popular Fantaisie in E minor. Composed in 1958, towards the end of the composer's life, this Barat work is adaptable to both cornet and trumpet. The piece contains many tempo changes and lots of dynamic contrast, making for a dramatic yet enjoyable performance. Often performed for exams and solo recitals, Barat's Fantaisie in E minor remains popular to this day.