Fantaisie Concertante Pour Trombone Basse Ou Tuba Ut Ou Saxhorn Basse Sib Et Piano 長號 低音號 鋼琴
"聽過卡斯泰勒德為低音長號、大號或低音薩克斯管和鋼琴而作的幻想協奏曲後,你會發現他的音樂仍被同時代的法國音樂家所掩蓋,這是難以想像的。如果您是梅西安的樂迷,那麼卡斯特雷德的《幻想協奏曲》將是您的不二之選。 這位元作曲家在巴黎音樂學院學習期間曾獲得過鋼琴、室內樂、和聲、作曲、音樂分析和音樂美學方面的獎項,因此他為低音銅管樂器和鋼琴創作的《幻想協奏曲》充滿了音樂魅力也就不足為奇了。其中包括對銅管樂器技巧的精湛運用、對調性的利用,以及獨奏樂器與鋼琴伴奏之間對共同旋律的巧妙運用。從狂暴的半音階段落到動人的旋律,《幻想協奏曲》為所有低音長號演奏者、大號演奏者和低音薩克斯管演奏者提供了一個愉快的聽覺體驗和學習樂曲的樂趣。"
作曲家: Jacques Castérède
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
Fantaisie Concertante
“After hearing Castèréde's Fantasy Concertante for Bass Trombone, Tuba or Bass Saxophone and Piano, the realisation that his music remains in the shadows of his French contemporaries is one that is hard to fathom. Should you be a fan of Messiaen, then Castèréde's Fantasy Concertante is one for you. Having won prizes in Piano, chamber music, harmony, composition, analysis and aesthetics in music whilst studying at Paris Conservatoire, it is not surprising that the composer's Fantasy Concertante for bass Brass instruments and Piano is full of musically appealing features. Elements include exquisite use of brass technique, exploiting tonality, and clever uses of shared melody between the solo instrument and Piano accompaniment. From furious semiquaver passages to luscious melodies, Fantasy Concertante provides an enjoyable listen and a fun piece to learn for all bass trombonists, Tuba players and bass saxhornists. ”