Exploring Folk Fiddle An Introduction to Folk Styles, Technique and Improvisation 民謠提琴導奏民謠 即興演奏 小提琴獨奏 朔特版
這本深入淺出的輔導書由著名小提琴演奏家和教師克裡斯-海(Chris Haigh)編寫,是古典小提琴手和小提琴手掌握這門藝術的完美之選。 * 涵蓋了民間小提琴技巧的各個方面,從裝飾音到模式和音階,從弦樂到即興演奏和作曲。 * 本書以愛爾蘭傳統音樂為中心,但也涉獵英國、蘇格蘭、斯堪的納維亞、東歐、克萊茲梅爾、卡金和美國老式傳統音樂。 * 附有克裡斯-海與現場伴奏樂隊演奏的所有樂曲的錄音(可下載)。民間小提琴和古典小提琴就像粉筆和乳酪一樣不同。乍一看,民間小提琴似乎非常簡單,幾乎不值得費心。曲調通常不超過 32 小節,保持在第一位置,甚至沒有作曲家。然而,正是那些沒有寫在紙上的東西,讓民謠小提琴變得如此有趣和具有挑戰性。本書試圖從總體觀察到最微小的細節,探討小提琴手需要瞭解哪些知識才能讓這些曲調鮮活起來。我們需要瞭解它們的歷史和背景、目的、結構和脈搏。涵蓋的主要領域包括: * 曲調類型和結構 * 裝飾音 * 弓法 * 調式和音階 * 和絃 * 開頭、結尾和連接 * 變奏、即興和作曲 * 以 "套 "的形式演奏曲調 * 地區和個人風格 * 在會議、比賽和舞蹈中演奏"
編者: Haigh, Chris
樂器: Violin
出版社: Schott Music
Introduction - Tune Types - More Tune Types and Structures - Ornamentation - Bowing - Modes and Scales - East European, Klezmer and Untempered Scales - Tunings - What's Missing? Variation, Improvisation and Composition - The Joy Of Sets - Playing For Dancing - Odds And Ends
* This in-depth tutor book, from renowned fiddle player and teacher Chris Haigh, is perfect for classical violinists and fiddle players looking to master the art. * Covering all aspects of folk violin technique from ornamentation to modes and scales, and from scordatura to improvisation and composition. * The book is centred around Irish traditional music, but also dips into English, Scottish, Scandinavian, East European, Klezmer, Cajun and American Old-Time traditions. * Accompanied by audio recordings (to download) of all pieces performed by Chris Haigh with a live backing band. Folk fiddle and classical violin are as different as chalk and cheese. At first glance, folk might seem so simple it’s hardly worth bothering with. The tunes are often no more than 32 bars long, they stay in first position, and they don’t even have a composer. However, it’s what’s NOT written on the page that makes folk fiddle so interesting and challenging.This book attempts to explore, from general observation down to the finest detail, what the fiddler needs to know to bring these tunes alive. We need to understand their history and context, their purpose, their structure and pulse. And we need to be able to add all the stylistic elements that come not from reading the music, but from years of immersion in folk music, both listening and playing.Key areas covered include:* Tune types and structures * Ornamentation * Bowing * Modes and scales * Scordatura * Starts, endings and links * Variation, improvisation and composition Playing tunes in “sets” * Regional and individual style * Playing in sessions, for contests, and for dancing