
Exercises Complementaires Techniques et Melodiques - Volume 3 [Technical and Melodious Complemental Exercises] for Bassoon 練習曲 低音管

$1,580TWD - $1,580TWD
$1,580TWD - $1,580TWD

這本第3卷:技術和旋律補充練習用英語、法語和德語編寫,是費爾南-烏布拉多斯的巴松管完整演奏法的第三卷。包括作者的建議在內,該方法提供了一套音階練習,使巴松管初學者能夠提高音色和清晰度。該方法經典而循序漸進,包含大量與技巧相關的說明:例如音色(攻擊的清晰度、觸嘴的柔軟度)和技巧(Appogiatura、legato & non legato、grupetto、turn)。費爾南-烏布拉多斯(Fernand Oubradous)是法國巴松管演奏家、作曲家和指揮家。這本《巴松管演奏法全集》是他公認的主要作品之一,共分三卷"

作曲家: Fernand Oubradous
樂器: Bassoon
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
Written in English, French, and German, this Vol. 3: Technical and Melodious Complemental Exercises is the third volume of the Complete Method for Bassoon by Fernand Oubradous. Including the advice of the author, this method provides a set of scales studies to enable the upper beginner bassoon player to gain in sonority and clearness. This method is classic and progressive and includes numerous explanations related to the technique: on the sonority (clearness of attack, suppleness of the embouchure and on the technique (Appogiatura, legato & non legato, grupetto, turn) for example. Fernand Oubradous was a French bassoonist, composer and conductor. This Complete Method for Bassoon is one of his main recognised work and was conceived in three volumes.

頁數: 24
重量(g): 138.915
UPC: 888680858100

