
Exercices Journaliers Pour La Flute [Daily Exercises for the Flute] 長笛 練習曲

$1,400TWD - $1,400TWD
$1,400TWD - $1,400TWD

由法國長笛演奏家和作曲家馬塞爾-莫伊塞(Marcel Moyse,1889-1984 年)創作的《每日練習曲》(Daily Exercises)出版於 1922 年,共收錄了 25 首長笛練習曲。Daily Exercises專為中高級長笛演奏者編寫,並在一個月的時間內安排了特定的時間表,它可以幫助演奏者在使用低音域和高音區時更加自如。它包括以下資訊 半音練習;全音音階;五度增五度琶音;七度減七度琶音;大調音階/小調音階;三度/七度和絃;三度/四度/六度/七度/八度/破和絃。馬塞爾-莫伊塞(Marcel Moyse)被一些音樂家譽為長笛大師,他創作了許多長笛演奏法和練習曲,這些書籍也由阿爾方斯-勒杜克(Alphonse Leduc)出版,如《Gammes et Arpèges》(1933 年)、《De la Sonorité》(1934 年)和《Mécanisme-Chromatisme》(1927 年)。他的創作方法在全世界得到廣泛應用和認可"

作曲家: Marcel Mose
樂器: Flute
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
Published in 1922 and written by the French flautist and composer Marcel Moyse (1889-1984), Daily Exercises proposes a series of 25 exercises for flute. Created for the use of intermediate/advanced flautists and with a given timetable organized over a one-month period, Daily Exercises should help the players to feel more comfortable when using the low and high registers. It includes info on: Chromatic exercises; Whole-tone scales; Augmented-fifth arpeggios; Diminished-seventh arpeggios; Major scales/Minor scales; Triads/Chords of the seventh; Thirds/Fourths/Sixths/Sevenths/Octaves/Broken Chords. Considered as a maestro by some musicians, Marcel Moyse has composed many flute methods and exercise books also published by Alphonse Leduc, such as Gammes et Arpèges (1933), De la Sonorité (1934) and Mécanisme-Chromatisme (1927). His methods are widely used and recognised worldwide.

頁數: 52
重量(g): 178.605
UPC: 888680787639

