
Etudes pour l'Enseignement Superieur du Hautbois [Studies for the Advanced Teaching of the Oboe] 練習曲 雙簧管

$1,700TWD - $1,700TWD
$1,700TWD - $1,700TWD

吉列的《雙簧管高級教學研究》在眾多雙簧管研究著作中脫穎而出,因為作曲家的豐富經驗為這本書的編纂提供了重要依據。吉列在寫給他的學生的序言中,描述了根據交響音樂會中遇到的高級困難進行新研究的必要性。他的練習涵蓋了對雙簧管演奏進步至關重要的各種技巧。此外,雙簧管高級教學練習還包含一個清晰、有用的指法表,其中包含大量 80 種指法。本冊中的大量練習曲和指法表是高級雙簧管演奏家的必備之書"

作曲家: Georges Gillet
樂器: Oboe
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
With many studies for the oboe in print, Gillet Studies for the Advanced Teaching of the Oboe is set apart by the significant experience of the composer which informs the compilation. The preface, in which Gillet writes to his pupils, describes the need for new studies in keeping with advanced difficulties encountered in symphonic concerts. His exercises cover a wide range of techniques essential to progression on the oboe. Moreover, Studies for the Advanced Teaching of the Oboe also contains a clear, helpful fingering chart, comprising a huge 80 fingerings. The vast variety of studies and fingering charts combined in this volume create an essential book for advanced oboists.

頁數: 55
重量(g): 257.985
UPC: 888680860073

