
Etudes et Exercises pour la Clarinette [Studies and Exercies for Clarinet] 練習曲 豎笛

$1,070TWD - $1,070TWD
$1,070TWD - $1,070TWD

四十五首發音練習曲 "是 Hyacinthe Klosé 為單簧管創作的一冊四十五首練習曲。該版本專為中級演奏者編寫,配有二十七個現代技巧練習。這些練習的重點是獲得良好的靈活性,以提高發音和速度。書中還包括一些說明和建議,以便正確練習每項學習內容。保羅-讓讓對該書的文字、發音、和絃、呼吸、動作和裝飾音進行了修訂。Hyacinthe Klosé(1808-1880 年)是法國單簧管演奏家、作曲家和巴黎音樂學院教授,Paul Jeanjean(1874-1928 年)是法國作曲家,以創作單簧管作品而聞名"

作曲家: Hyacinthe E. Klosé
樂器: Clarinet
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
Forty-five exercises for articulation is a volume of forty-five exercises by Hyacinthe Klosé for clarinet. Written for intermediate players, this edition is completed by twenty-seven exercises of modern technique. These exercises focus on the acquisition of a good agility to improve articulation and speed. The book also includes some descriptions and advice to practise each study correctly. It has been revised in terms of text, articulations, chords, breathing, movements and ornaments by Paul Jeanjean. Hyacinthe Klosé (1808-1880) was a French clarinet player, composer and professor at the Conservatoire de Paris and Paul Jeanjean (1874-1928) was a French composer known for his clarinet compositions.

頁數: 19
重量(g): 110.565
UPC: 888680794538

