Etude Du Mécanisme De L'archet Enseignement Complet du Violin 練習曲 小提琴
喬治-凱薩琳(Georges Catherine,1872-1958 年)是巴黎歌劇院管弦樂隊中一位多產的小提琴家,這一點最為人所熟知。然而,他也是一位傑出的教師,他的小提琴全集自 1948 年出版以來,對小提琴技巧的發展起到了推動作用。第一卷弓法機械研究考慮了音樂中的所有弓法標記,並對如何處理每種技巧進行了大量的說明。每種弓法都附有大量練習,以便練習和完善弓法。小提琴演奏家喬治-凱薩琳(Georges Catherine)所著的《小提琴全集》中的《弓子機制研究》包括42個詳細的弓法研究,有志於演奏小提琴的演奏家們一定不能錯過
作曲家: Georges Catherine
樂器: Violin
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
Georges Catherine (1872-1958) is best remembered as a prolific violinist in the orchestra of the Paris Opera. However, he was also a prominent teacher and his Complete Study of the Violin has aided the development of violin technique since its publication in 1948. The first volume, Study of the Mechanism of the Bow considers all bow markings found in music, and substantial notes on how to address each technique. Each bowing technique is accompanied by a sizeable exercise in order to practise and perfect the technique. Comprising 42 detailed bowing studies, Study of the Mechanism of the Bow from Complete Study of the Violin by violin virtuoso, Georges Catherine cannot be missed by aspiring players of the instrument.