
English Suites BWV 806-811 Edited from the sources 巴赫約翰‧瑟巴斯提安 英國組曲 鋼琴獨奏 維也納原典版

$1,080TWD - $1,080TWD
$1,080TWD - $1,080TWD

這本新的 Wiener Urtext 版 J.S. Bach 的《英語組曲》特別解決了已失傳的二手資料來源這一難題。由於巴赫的親筆簽名已不復存在,該版本試圖通過詳細的對比和推理,從大量的手稿副本中提取原文。該版本試圖修改所有現有資料中似乎已被破壞的段落,並通過仔細推理使其更接近巴赫的可能意圖。所有編輯決定都記錄在詳盡的評論中,目的是讓讀者能夠對音樂文本進行自己的批判性評價。不可或缺的演奏實踐注釋為演奏者提供了寶貴的資訊"

作曲家: Bach, Johann Sebastian
編者: Dehnhard, Walther
校訂者: Tilney, Colin
樂器: piano
出版社: Wiener Urtext Edition

Englische Suite 1 A-Dur BWV 806 - Englische Suite 2 a-Moll BWV 807 -Englische Suite 3 g-Moll BWV 808 - Englische Suite 4 F-Dur BWV 809 -Englische Suite 5 e-Moll BWV 810 - Englische Suite 6 d-Moll BWV 811

This new Wiener Urtext Edition of J.S. Bach's English Suites addresses particularly the problematic question of extinct secondary sources. With Bach's autograph no longer surviving, the edition attempts to extract the original text from a plethora of manuscript copies by means of detailed comparisons and deduction. The edition attempts to amend passages that appear to be corrupted in all available sources and by careful reasoning bring them closer to Bach's probable intentions. All editorial decisions are documented in an extensive critical commentary, with the aim of enabling the readers to conduct their own critical evaluation of the musical text. Indispensable notes on authentic performance practice contain valuable information for the performer.
頁數: 152
重量(g): 560
ISMN: 9790500570608
ISBN: 9783850550604
UPC: 800522000607