
England's Carols Traditional 耶誕頌歌 豎笛3把以上

$1,620TWD - $1,620TWD
$1,620TWD - $1,620TWD

這是什麼孩子?(綠袖子》(Greensleeves)、《第一個諾埃爾》(The First Noel)和《願上帝賜福予快樂的紳士們》(God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen)的混合曲目,通過新穎多彩的和聲變化得以發展。半音階和聲以及節奏和節拍的變化提供了具有挑戰性的素材,通過這些素材可以培養基本的音樂技巧和詮釋能力。樂曲的技術難度不大,從高中到專業水準的中高級合奏者都能掌握。樂曲節奏活潑,表現力強,每種樂器都有獨奏和合奏

校訂者: Dobbins, Bill
樂器: 6 clarinets
出版社: advance music GmbH

What Child Is This? - The First Noel - God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen

A medley of What Child Is This? (Greensleeves), The First Noel, and God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen is developed through fresh and colorful harmonic variations. The chromatic harmonies and changes in tempo and meter provide challenging material through which to develop the skills of basic musicianship and interpretation. The music is not technically difficult, and should be well within the grasp of intermediate to advanced ensembles from high school to professional levels. The rhythmic idioms are lively and expressive, and each instrument is featured in both solo and ensemble roles.
頁數: 36
重量(g): 210
ISMN: 9790206302213
ISBN: 9783892213352
UPC: 805095086027
