Ein Walzer an Luzi for piano 康戈爾德 鋼琴 鋼琴獨奏 朔特版
埃裡希-沃爾夫岡-科恩戈爾德將這首圓舞曲作為禮物送給了他的妻子魯茲,魯茲是蕭邦的愛好者,1949 年是她 46 歲的生日。由於 Luzi 是蕭邦作品方面的專家,她的丈夫不僅模仿了蕭邦的音樂風格,還以蕭邦為作者,加上了'op.posth.'。然而,這首鋼琴曲簡潔的形式和通透的質感在幾個音符之後就顯示出了真正創作者的個人風格。這首圓舞曲直到 1995 年才首次公開演奏"
作曲家: Korngold, Erich Wolfgang
樂器: piano
出版社: Schott Music
Erich Wolfgang Korngold gave this waltz to his wife Luzi who was a Chopin lover as a present on her 46th birthday in 1949. Since Luzi was a brilliant expert on Chopin's oeuvre, her husband not only imitated his musical style, but also named him as author by adding 'op. posth.'. The concise form and transparent texture in the piano setting, however, reveal the personal style of the actual creator after just a few notes. The first public performance of the waltz was not given until in 1995.