
Eight Very Difficult Studies (saxophone) 薩氏管

$1,120TWD - $1,120TWD
$1,120TWD - $1,120TWD

"《八首高難度研究曲目》由蓋伊-拉庫爾(Guy Lacour)作曲,專為高級薩克斯演奏家而寫。這本書由馬塞爾-穆勒(Marcel Mule)作序,實際上是獻給他的。 這些機制練習非常具有挑戰性,但保持了一些優美的旋律,其目的無疑是説明演奏者不斷提高技巧和技能。每首練習曲都有不同的節奏、調性和技術難度,目的是提高薩克斯演奏者的技術,並盡可能取得最佳效果。 Guy Lacour(1932-2013 年)是法國音樂家、作曲家和薩克斯演奏家。他曾師從馬塞爾-穆勒(Marcel Mule)和費爾南-烏布拉多斯(Fernand Oubradous),創作了許多薩克斯獨奏曲、薩克斯與鋼琴曲以及長笛與鋼琴曲""

作曲家: Guy Lacour
樂器: Saxophone
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
“Composed by Guy Lacour, Eight very difficult studies was written for advanced Saxophone players. The book features an introduction by Marcel Mule and is actually dedicated to him. These mechanism exercises are very challenging, but maintain some nice melody and their aim is definitely to help the player to keep their technique and skill growing. Each study has a different tempo, key signature and technical difficulties, in order to improve the technique of any saxophonist and to obtain the best results possible. Guy Lacour (1932-2013) was a French musician, composer and saxophonist. He studied with Marcel Mule and Fernand Oubradous, and composed many pieces for Solo Saxophone, Saxophone and Piano and also Flute and Piano.”

頁數: 11
重量(g): 76.545
UPC: 888680837204

