Easy Jazz Conception Violin 15 solo etudes for jazz phrasing, interpretation and improvisation 爵士音樂小提琴 練習曲爵士音樂詮釋即興演奏 小提琴教材
馬克-費爾德曼(Mark Feldman)與世界一流的節奏組一起,用小提琴演示了15首以藍調和標準和絃行進為基礎的獨奏練習曲: 錄音中的每首練習曲都有兩個不同的版本:一個是獨奏者和節奏組的版本,另一個是只有節奏組的版本。在 CD 中,您可以看到和聽到獨奏者的樂句,與獨奏者一起或不與獨奏者一起演奏,親身學習爵士樂的基本風格"
作曲家: Snidero, Jim
樂器: violin
出版社: advance music GmbH
A new and exciting way for violin players to learn and practice basic jazz style.This book/CD set features 15 solo etudes based on blues and standard chord progressions, demonstrated by Mark Feldman on violin along with a world-class rhythm section: Mike LeDonne, piano; Peter Washington, bass; and Kenny Washington, drums.The recording features two separate versions of each etude: one with the soloist and rhythm section and one with the rhythm section only. See and hear how the soloist phrases, play with or without the soloist on the CD and learn basic jazz style first-hand.