
Easy Charts Play-Along Band 4 Die größten Hits spielerisch leicht gesetzt 小號獨奏

來自 Music Factory
$980TWD - $980TWD
$980TWD - $980TWD

易曲目 "是肖特成功的伴奏系列,即使是一年級的初學者也能獨自或與其他管樂演奏者一起演奏當前的熱門曲目,並從中獲得樂趣。I Follow Rivers "是每個派對的必備曲目,"Move In The Right Direction "響起時,臀部開始扭動,然後我們可以在時尚偶像蕾哈娜的 "Stay "中短暫放鬆一下,最新的熱門曲目包括唱作人羅賓-西克的 "Blurred Lines "和曼海姆最著名的兒子賽維爾-奈杜的 "Bei meiner Seele"

校訂者: Bye, Uwe
樂器: C/Eb/Bb-instrument
出版社: Music Factory
Easy Charts' is the successful play-along series of Schott which enables even first-year beginners to play current hits and have fun – alone or together with other wind players.In the fourth volume, we present the top hits of the past months. 'I Follow Rivers' meanwhile is a must on every party, and hips begin to gyrate when 'Move In The Right Direction' is played before we can briefly chill with 'Stay' by style icon Rihanna.The latest hits include 'Blurred Lines' by Crooner Robin Thicke and 'Bei meiner Seele' by Mannheim's most famous son, Xavier Naidoo.

頁數: 76
重量(g): 290
ISMN: 9790001192460
ISBN: 9783795747442

