Eastern European Fiddle Tunes 80 Traditional Pieces for Violin 提琴歌調 小品小提琴 小提琴獨奏 朔特版
來自 Schott Music
繼《愛爾蘭小提琴獨奏曲》和《英國小提琴曲》大獲成功之後,皮特-庫珀的新書收錄了來自波蘭、烏克蘭、匈牙利、羅馬尼亞、塞爾維亞、保加利亞和馬其頓等東歐國家的豐富曲調,以及克萊茲梅爾傳統樂曲。書中收錄了 80 首曲調,風格各異:馬祖卡、波爾卡、科洛米卡、弗萊萊赫斯、奧拉斯、csárdás、legenyes、sîrbas、rucenitsas、kopanitsas 等。這些曲目的複雜程度不一,既有非常簡單的曲目,也有許多需要中高級技巧的高難度曲目。與該系列的其他書籍一樣,這套書附有一張 CD,其中收錄了皮特-庫珀演奏的所有曲目,適合 3 年級及以上的學生閱讀"
編者: Cooper, Pete
樂器: violin
出版社: Schott Music
Introduction - How different is this music? - Scales and Modes - Fiddle Chords - Position Shifts - Asymmetric Rhythms - Acknowledgements - Recorded sources
Following the success of 'Irish Fiddle Solos' and 'English Fiddle Tunes', Pete Cooper's new book contains a rich selection of tunes from many Eastern European countries including Poland, Ukraine, Hungary, Romania, Serbia, Bulgaria, and Macedonia, and pieces from the Klezmer tradition. There are 80 tunes in a variety of styles: mazurkas, polkas, kolomyikas, freylekhs, horas, csárdás, legenyes, sîrbas, rucenitsas, kopanitsas, etc. The material is wide-ranging in complexity, including very simple pieces as well as many more challenging tunes requiring intermediate to advanced technique. The introduction provides explanations of rhythms, scales, modes, and notes on the individual tunes.As with the other books in the series, a CD with all the pieces performed by Pete Cooper accompanies the collection, which is suitable for grade 3 and above.