East of the Aegean Suite for cello and piano 狄奧多拉奇斯 組曲大提琴鋼琴 大提琴加鋼琴 朔特版
基斯-希歐多爾拉基斯(Mikis Theodorakis)的 21 首大提琴和鋼琴小品根據他的一首著名歌曲改編,是對他的故鄉--"愛琴海之東 "的希俄斯島、萊斯沃斯島和伊卡裡亞島的愛的宣言。這些迷人的作品就像對自身存在的反思,就像個人明信片或畫家的素描。愛琴海之東 "已作為 CD 在 Intuition 唱片公司發行,是一張旋律優美、充滿愛和憧憬的偉大專輯
作曲家: Theodorakis, Mikis
校訂者: Schmiedt, Henning
樂器: cello and piano
出版社: Schott Music
Mia Thalassa gemati mousiki (A Sea Full of Music) - I mera svini (The Day Ends) - Ta thalassina malia sou (Your Sea Hair) - I ora tis fotias (The Hour of Fire) - Mousiki earini (Spring Music) - I thalassa se per imeni (The Sea Awaits You) - Ke se agapo sto atelioto mesomeri (And I Love You in the Endless Noon Hour) - Orgono ta nera (I Ply the Waters) - Oso diarki i thalassa (As Long as the Sea Lasts) - Mousikes thalassines (Songs of the Sea) - O kiklos tou nerou (The Circle of Water) - Hromata thalassina (Colours of the Sea) - Figi niherini (Night Flight) - I rithmi ton kimaton (The Rhythm of the Waves) - To mistiriako Ai gaio (The Mystic Aegean) - Ta potamia tou kormiou sou (The Rivers of your Body) - Eripia bizantina (Bizantine Ruins) - I patimasies tou iliou (The Footprints of the Sun) - I pothi anavoun (Desires Ignite) - Me ti mousiki ton neron (With the Music of the Water) - Anemos kaftos, loulianos (Burning July Wind)
The 21 miniatures for violoncello and piano by Mikis Theodorakis, based on one of his famous song cycles, are a declaration of love to his origins, the 'East of the Aegean', the islands of Chios, Lesbos and Icaria. The charming pieces appear like reflections on one's own existence, like individual postcards or sketches of a painter. Already released as CD on the label Intuition, 'East of the Aegean' is a great album with melodies full of love and anticipatory remembrance.