
Easiest Studies in Velocity op. 83 顧利特柯內流斯 鋼琴練習曲 朔特版

來自 Schott Music
$730TWD - $730TWD
$730TWD - $730TWD

科尼利厄斯-古利特是 19 世紀鋼琴教學的創始人之一。他以卡爾-切爾尼的教學方法為基礎,其豐富的教學材料即使在今天也極具現實意義,可以輕鬆地用於鋼琴教學。最簡單的靈巧練習 "為鋼琴技巧打下了最初的基礎:每個練習都涉及另一個技術方面(小音階段落、音程跳躍、簡單的三和弦音、雙音終止和三連音練習)。這些練習曲以其鏗鏘有力的和聲使演奏者感到驚奇,並激發他們對音樂的詮釋。非常適合在音樂課上使用,也可作為初學者和中級演奏者的第一學習教材"

作曲家: Gurlitt, Cornelius
編者: Brehl, Anne-Kathrin
樂器: piano
出版社: Schott Music
Cornelius Gurlitt is one of the co-founders of 19th-century piano teaching. Building on the method of Carl Czerny, his rich educational material is extremely topical even today and can be easily used in piano lessons. The first foundations for a piano technique are laid in the 'easiest dexterity studies': each study deals with another technical aspect (little scale passages, interval leaps, simple triadic figures, double stops and triplet exercises). The exercises surprise the player with their sonorous harmonies and invite musical interpretation. Perfect for use in music lessons and as first study literature for beginners and intermediate players.

頁數: 24
重量(g): 120
ISMN: 9790001180313
