
Drohungen 混和三重奏 朔特版

來自 Schott Music
$700TWD - $700TWD
$700TWD - $700TWD

馬克斯-貝克曼(Max Beckmann)1941 年在荷蘭流亡期間創作了 27 幅《聖約翰啟示錄》石版畫,本傑明-史懷哲(Benjamin Schweitzer)受此啟發也創作了 27 張音樂'樂譜'。這些畫作充滿了一種直接的侵略性,同時又常常帶有一種奇怪的保留象徵意義。'其中一些部分可以按照不同的順序演奏,'幾乎就像人們可以按照時間順序、系統順序或隨機順序觀看一輪圖片'。(本傑明-史懷哲)

作曲家: Schweitzer Benjamin
樂器: clarinet (also bassclarinet), violin and cello
出版社: Schott Music
The cycle of 27 lithographs on the Apocalypse of St. John created by Max Beckmann in his Dutch exile in 1941 inspired Benjamin Schweitzer to compose 27 musical ‘sheets’ as well. ‘The pictures are filled with an immediate aggressiveness and, at the same time, often with a strangely reserved symbolism.’ Some of the parts can be played in varying order, ‘almost like one can look at a cycle of pictures in chronological, systematic or random order.’ (Benjamin Schweitzer)
難度: difficult

頁數: 28
重量(g): 120
ISMN: 9790001138321
