Dreams of Janceline - 6. Polka du Rossignol for Violin and Piano 波卡舞曲 小提琴 鋼琴
雷蒙-加盧瓦-蒙布朗(Raymond Gallois Montbrun,1918-1994 年)於 1947 年出版了為中音薩克斯管和鋼琴而作的 Dream of Janceline,當時他剛剛獲得羅馬大獎三年。與他的小提琴協奏曲、日本交響曲和單簧管與鋼琴音樂會一樣,為小提琴和鋼琴而作的《楊瑟琳之夢》至今仍廣為流傳。為小提琴演奏的《楊瑟琳的夢》由十二首風格各異的簡易樂曲組成,其中第七首是夜鶯波爾卡舞曲。該樂章涉及和聲、調式和銜接等方面。加洛瓦-蒙布倫的《楊賽琳的夢》是適合初級到中級小提琴演奏者的多變樂曲,不容錯過"
作曲家: Raymond Gallois Montbrun
樂器: Violin
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
Raymond Gallois Montbrun (1918-1994) published his Dream of Janceline for Alto Saxophone and Piano in 1947, just three years after he won the Grand Prix de Rome. Along with his Violin Concerto, Japan Symphony and Concertstück for Clarinet and Piano, Dreams of Janceline for Violin and Piano remains popular to this day. Dreams of Janceline for Violin is made up of twelve easy pieces in variety of styles, the seventh of these being The Nightingale's Polka. This movement addresses harmonics, a modulation and articulation, among other aspects. As suitable and varied pieces for the progression of beginner to intermediate level violinists, Gallois Montbrun's Dreams of Janceline cannot be missed.