Douze Piéces pour Grand-Orgue, Op. 10 Volume 3 管風琴
約瑟夫-博內(1884-1944 年)是法國最重要的管風琴演奏家之一。因此,12 首樂曲的信息量之大不足為奇。古諾在巴黎音樂學院學習後,接任該院管風琴演奏家一職。繼之前兩部成功的同類作品集之後,12 首管風琴樂曲的第三部於 1913 年完成。在第 3 卷的 12 首樂曲中,第一首包括悼念泰坦尼克號遇難者的樂曲。此外,還附有演奏指南索引,非常有用。對於所有高級的、有抱負的管風琴演奏家來說,博內的12首樂曲是曲目中不可或缺的補充
作曲家: Joseph Bonnet
樂器: Organ
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
12 Pieces Op. 10
Composer and organist, Joseph Bonnet (1884-1944) is considered one of the most major French pipe organ players. It is no surprise, therefore, that 12 Pieces are very well informed. Following his studies at the Paris Conservatoire, Gounod took over as concert organist at the institution. The third volume of 12 Pieces for Organ was compiled in 1913, following two preceding, successful volumes of the same nature. The first of the twelve pieces of volume 3 includes in memoriam, remembering the victims of the Titanic. Moreover, a helpful index of performance directions is included. For all advanced, aspiring organists, Bonnet's 12 Pieces is an essential addition to the repertoire.