
Douze Pieces pour Grand Orgue Premier Volume 李泰茲 小品 管風琴

$2,600TWD - $2,600TWD
$2,600TWD - $2,600TWD

加斯東-利塔澤的十二首樂曲第一卷由六首管風琴樂曲組成。這些樂曲的難度適合中高級演奏者,需要使用踏板。第一冊包括 1. 前奏曲,獻給他的朋友勞雷特-波利 2. 雙賦格 3. Lied, 獻給 Guy Lambert 4. 牧歌間奏曲,獻給 Line Zilgien 小姐 5. 終曲,獻給他的教授馬塞爾-杜普雷 6. 哀歌,獻給他的朋友莫里斯-達爾芬(Maurice Dalphin)。第二卷包括 7. 迴旋曲 8. 創世神降臨托卡塔 9. Priere 10. 律動 11. 間奏曲 12. 聖誕變奏曲 這首曲子在加斯東-利塔澤的作品中相當有名。加斯東-利塔澤(1909-1991 年)是法國管風琴演奏家和作曲家,自幼雙目失明。他被認為是那個時代的管風琴大師之一,曾多次巡迴演出並參與錄製唱片。他還是一位優秀的教授,創作了許多管風琴獨奏曲和管風琴與其他樂器合奏曲"

作曲家: Gaston Litaize
樂器: Organ
出版社: Alphonse Leduc

12 Pieces Vol. 1

This first volume of Twelve Pieces by Gaston Litaize is a set of six pieces for organ. With a difficulty that would fit the skills of upper intermediate players, these pieces require the use of pedals. This first tome includes: 1. Prelude, dedicated to Lauret Bolli, his friend 2. Double Fugue 3. Lied, dedicated to Guy Lambert 4. Intermezzo Pastoral, dedicated to Miss Line Zilgien 5. Final, dedicated to his professor Marcel Dupré 6. Lamento, dedicated to his friend Maurice Dalphin. And the second tome consists of: 7. Scherzo 8. Toccata sur le veni creator 9. Priere 10. Jeux de rythmes 11. Interlude 12. Variations sur un Noël angevin. This piece is quite famous among Gaston Litaize's compositions. Gaston Litaize (1909-1991) was a French organist and composer, blind since his youth. Considered as one of the organ masters of his times, he toured and worked on many recordings. He was also a good professor, and composed many pieces for solo organ and for organ with other instruments.
頁數: 36
重量(g): 155.925
UPC: 888680984274
