Doru 長笛獨奏 朔特版
羅馬尼亞鋼琴家兼作曲家維奧萊塔-迪內斯庫於 1953 年 7 月 13 日出生於布加勒斯特。她曾在 C. Porumbescu Conservatoire 學習作曲、鋼琴和教育,並於 1977 年以優異成績通過國家考試。在喬治-埃內斯庫音樂學校任教後,她於 1982 年移居德國。自 1996 年起,她在奧爾登堡大學擔任應用作曲教授。這兩首長笛獨奏曲激發了演奏者的想像力,要求演奏者具有節奏感和旋律自由度,並具有使用圖譜的經驗"
作曲家: Dinescu, Violeta
樂器: flute solo
出版社: Schott Music
The Romanian pianist and composer Violeta Dinescu was born in Bucharest on 13 July 1953. There she studied composition, piano and education at the C. Porumbescu Conservatoire and in 1977 passed her state examination with distinction. After a teaching assignment at the George Enescu Music School she moved to Germany in 1982. Since 1996 she has been professor of applied composition at the University of Oldenburg. The two pieces for solo flute appeal to the imagination of the player and require a performer with a sense of rhythmic and melodic freedom as well as with experience in using graphic notation.