Dix-sept Caprices Et Mouvement Perpetuel Adaptes A La Clarinette 隨想曲 豎笛
"著名小提琴演奏家尼科洛-帕格尼尼(Niccolò Paganini,1782-1840 年)以其小提琴隨想曲而聞名,為小提琴家的演奏技巧提供了幫助。因此,當單簧管演奏家 Ulysse Delécluse 將 Caprices 精選為單簧管演奏時,受到了廣泛歡迎。 帕格尼尼的作品在技術上極具創造性,要求很高,Delécluse 為單簧管改編的作品在發音、樂句、氣息標記、音域和動態方面都有所變化。考慮到帕格尼尼的《小提琴隨想曲》所取得的成功,單簧管演奏家一定不能錯過這首多才多藝的改編曲""
作曲家: Nicolas Paganini
樂器: Clarinet
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
“Celebrated Violin virtuoso, Niccolò Paganini (1782-1840) is well-known for his Caprices for Violin, aiding violinists in their technique. Therefore, when clarinetist Ulysse Delécluse arranged a selection of the Caprices for Clarinet, it was well-received. Paganini's compositions are technically creative and demanding and Delécluse's adaptions for the Clarinet include variations in articulation, phrasing, breath marks, range and dynamics. Considering the success of Paganini's Caprices for the Violin, this versatile adaption for clarinetists cannot be missed by advanced performers of the instrument.”