Divertissement Pour Saxophone Alto Et Orchestre Version Saxophone Et Piano 薩氏管 薩氏管鋼琴
"法國作曲家皮埃爾-馬克斯-杜波依斯(Pierre Max Dubois,1930-1995 年)對木管樂器曲目,尤其是薩克斯管曲目做出了巨大貢獻。中音薩克斯管嬉游曲》於 1953 年出版,至今仍是高級薩克斯管演奏家的熱門曲目。 杜波依斯的音樂具有輕鬆愉快的特點,和聲與旋律的質感與眾不同。為中音薩克斯管和鋼琴縮寫而作的 "Divertissement "由三個樂章組成:1)Allegro vivo;2)Lent et doux;3)Scherzando。杜波依斯的'Divertissement'是高級薩克斯管演奏家的必備曲目,無論是對演奏者還是觀眾來說,都是一次激動人心的愉悅演出""
作曲家: Perre-Max Dubois
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
Divertissement Pour Saxophone
“French composer, Pierre Max Dubois (1930-1995) significantly contributed to the woodwind repertoire, particularly for Saxophone. Divertissement for Alto Saxophone was published in 1953 and remains popular in advanced saxophonists' repertoire. Dubois' music is characteristically light-hearted with unusual harmonic and melodic textures. 'Divertissement' for Alto Saxophone and Piano reduction is made up of three movements; 1) Allegro vivo, 2) Lent et doux, and 3) Scherzando. Essential to the advanced saxophonists' repertoire, Dubois' 'Divertissement' makes for an exciting and enjoyable performance for players and audiences alike.”