
Divertimento (alto Saxophone/piano) 中音 嬉遊曲

$1,120TWD - $1,120TWD
$1,120TWD - $1,120TWD

"作為 18 世紀的一種音樂體裁,為中音薩克斯管創作的嬉游曲並不常見,因為這種樂器直到 19 世紀中期才得到發展。然而,羅傑-布特裡(生於 1932 年)用他的《中音薩克斯管嬉游曲》證明,風格與樂器的結合會帶來激動人心的演奏。 法國作曲家布特裡在巴黎音樂學院學習期間曾多次獲獎。他出版了 100 多部作品,成功地將各種現代和傳統趨勢結合在一起。1989 年,他因所有的藝術活動而被評為年度人物。嬉游曲》分為三個樂章,以節奏感極強的切分音開始,然後進入情緒低落的民謠式第二樂章,最後以快板結束。第三樂章是輕快的終曲。布特裡的《中音薩克斯嬉游曲與鋼琴伴奏》是高級薩克斯演奏家曲目中不可或缺的豐富曲目""

作曲家: Roger Boutry
出版社: Alphonse Leduc


“As a musical genre of the 18th century, it is unusual that a divertimento is composed for the Alto Saxophone, an instrument which was not developed until the mid-19th Century. Yet Roger Boutry (b. 1932) proves with his Divertimento for Alto Saxophone that the combination of style and instrument make for a thrilling performance. French composer Boutry won many prizes during his time at the Paris Conservatoire, as well as for his professional work. He has over 100 published works in which he successfully unites diverse modern and traditional trends. He was named Personality of the Year in 1989 for all of his artistic activities. Divertimento is cast in three movements, beginning in a highly rhythmic and syncopated way before moving on to a moody and balladlike second movement that ends with a cadenza. This leads into the third movement, a light, presto finale. Boutry's Divertimento for Alto Saxophone and Piano accompaniment is an essential and varied addition to the advanced saxophonist's repertoire.”
頁數: 16
重量(g): 113.4
UPC: 888680786885
