Divenire Piano Solo 鋼琴
這是艾諾迪 2007 年專輯中的精選曲目,特別為鋼琴獨奏而改編。作曲家寫道:"在這本對開本中,您可以找到《Divenire》專輯中的大部分樂曲。書中有許多樂曲,特別是那些有管弦樂隊伴奏或電子音效的樂曲,我做了一些改動,以達到更好的鋼琴獨奏效果。我還用一首鋼琴獨奏曲《Luce》取代了大提琴和絃樂作品《Svanire》,這首曲子在 iTunes 上作為獎勵曲目提供
作曲家: Ludovico Einaudi
樂器: Piano
出版社: Chester Music
A selection of songs from Einaudi's 2007 album, specially transcribed for solo piano. The composer writes, In this folio you will find most of the music from the Divenire album. There are a number of pieces in this book, particularly those that are accompanied by orchestra or feature electronic sounds, that I have altered in order to achieve a better solo piano transcription. I have also replaced the piece Svanire, for cello and strings, with Luce, a solo piano piece that is available on iTunes as a bonus track.