Deux Movements - MCMXXII for Flute, Flute/Oboe, Clarinet and Bassoon 伊貝爾 長笛 樂章
兩樂章--MCMXXII創作於 1922 年,是雅克-伊伯特為兩支長笛或長笛與雙簧管、單簧管和巴松管創作的作品。這首獻給現代管樂器協會的四重奏難度很大,由兩個樂章組成: "Allant "和 "Assez vif et rythmé"。這首真正的抒情四重奏作品是音樂會上的絕佳演奏曲目。雅克-伊伯特(Jacques Ibert,1890-1962 年)還創作了許多交響組曲、歌劇和七部管弦樂作品,包括《天使》(Angelique)(1926 年)和《分歧》(Divertissement)(1930 年)。他還曾負責梅迪西斯別墅(羅馬)的法蘭西管風琴團,後來擔任巴黎歌劇院的行政長官"
作曲家: Jacques Ibert
樂器: Chamber Ensemble
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
Two Movements - MCMXXII
Composed in 1922, the Two Movements – MCMXXII is a piece for two flutes or flute and oboe, clarinet and bassoon by Jacques Ibert. Dedicated to the Modern Society of Wind instruments, this quartet is difficult and is composed of two movements: “Allant” and“Assez vif et rythmé.” This really lyrical quartet work is a great piece to play for a concert. Jacques Ibert (1890-1962) also composed many symphonic suites, operas and seven orchestras, including Angelique (1926) and Divertissement (1930). He also was in charge of the Accadémie de France in the Villa Médicis (Roma) and was later administrator for the Paris Opera.