Deux Chansons op. 31 海尼能 大提琴加鋼琴 芬尼卡·蓋爾曼版
這兩首'歌曲'《奧巴德》和《小夜曲》創作於 1974 年,既可單獨演奏,也可合奏。奧巴德》的氣氛明快、活躍、俏皮而敏感。小夜曲》則抒情悠揚
作曲家: Heininen, Paavo
樂器: cello and orchestra
出版社: Fennica Gehrman
Aubade * Sérénade
These two 'songs', Aubade and Serenade, dating from 1974, are intended for performance either separately or together. The atmosphere of the Aubade is bright, active and playfully sensitive. The Serenade is lyrical and melodic.