
Cortege et Litanie pour Grand Orgue for Organ 管風琴

$1,000TWD - $1,000TWD
$1,000TWD - $1,000TWD

馬塞爾-杜普雷(Marcel Dupré)的Cortege and Litanie是為管風琴而作。該曲目共 8 頁,為中高級演奏者而作,使用了 4 個升調,並包括踏板的使用。這首曲子最初是在 1922 年為一個小型管弦樂隊而作,後來為一齣戲劇而創作。杜普雷將這首曲子融入了他的一次鋼琴獨奏會中,後來又應邀為其他樂器改編了這首曲子。因此,這些樂譜也被改編成鋼琴曲、管弦樂曲(4 重奏和 16 重奏)和指揮曲。在作曲方面,樂曲分為兩部分:"Cortege",標題描述了莊嚴的遊行隊伍,以 E 大調開始,持續時間是引子主題的兩倍;以及 "Litanie",描述了遊行隊伍中的祈禱歌,在 "Cortege "部分之後加入 "Litanie "部分。馬塞爾-杜普雷(Marcel Dupré)是法國作曲家和管風琴演奏家,曾于 1914 年獲得羅馬大獎。1920 年,他憑記憶演奏了巴赫的全部作品,從此一舉成名。後來,他成為巴黎音樂學院許多著名學生的教授,如梅西安、朗格萊和科謝羅等"

作曲家: Marcel Dupré
樂器: Organ
出版社: Alphonse Leduc

Cortege Et Litanie

This version of Cortege and Litanie by Marcel Dupré was written for organ. For upper intermediate players, this 8 page composition is written with 4 sharps and includes the use of the pedals. The piece, initially written for a small orchestra in 1922, was created for a play. Dupré integrated it into one of his piano recitals and was later asked to arrange it for other instruments. These scores therefore exist also arranged for piano, orchestra (in 4 and 16) and for the conductor. In terms of composition, the piece is divided into two: “Cortege,” which title describes a solemn procession, begins in E major and lasts twice as long as the introductory theme; and “Litanie,” which is describing the prayer sung during a procession and which follows the “Cortege” part to then be joined by it. Marcel Dupré is a French composer and virtuoso organist who won the Prix de Rome in 1914. He became famous when he played the work of Bach in its totality from memory in 1920. He later became the professor of many renowned students at the Paris Conservatoire such as Messiaen, Langlais and Cochereau among others.
頁數: 8
重量(g): 73.71
UPC: 888680794699
