
Corsican Song for Alto Saxophone and Piano 中音薩氏管 鋼琴 薩氏管

$700TWD - $700TWD
$700TWD - $700TWD

法國作曲家和指揮家亨利-托馬西(Henri Tomasi,1901-1971 年)於 1932 年出版了為中音薩克斯管和鋼琴而作的科西嘉之歌。與他的其他管樂作品一樣,科西嘉之歌深受聽眾歡迎。托馬西出生於馬賽,但他的父親和母親原籍科西嘉島的拉卡辛卡。儘管父母強迫他學習音樂,但托馬西的夢想是成為一名水手,暑假期間,他住在科西嘉的祖母家,學習科西嘉傳統歌曲。然而,1921 年,他開始在巴黎音樂學院學習,並成為一名知名作曲家和指揮家。托馬西沒有忘記他的科西嘉之行,經常將他在夏天與祖母一起學習的歌曲主題融入他的作品中,《科西嘉之歌》就是如此。托馬西的這首作品通過對調性、節奏和結構等方面的利用,在創作上顯得與眾不同。不過,托馬西的這首作品適合高級薩克斯演奏家演奏,為曲目增添了令人興奮的另類色彩"

作曲家: Henri Tomasi
樂器: Alto Saxophone
出版社: Alphonse Leduc

Corsican Song

French composer and conductor, Henri Tomasi (1901-1971) published his Corsican Song for alto saxophone and piano in 1932. As with his other wind compositions, Corsican Song was well-received by audiences. Tomasi was born in Marseille, but his father and mother were originally from La Casinca in Corsica. Despite being pressured into musical studies by his parents, Tomasi dreamed of becoming a sailor, and during the summer, he stayed with his grandmother in Corsica where he learnt traditional Corsican songs. However, in 1921, he began his studies at the Paris Conservatoire and went on to become a high profile composer and conductor. Tomasi did not forget his Corsican routes, often incorporating themes of the songs he had learnt during the summers with his grandmother in to his compositions, as is the case with Corsican Song. This Tomasi work is unusual in composition through its exploitation of tonality, rhythm and structure amongst other aspects. However, this Tomasi piece, suitable for advanced saxophonists, provides an exciting, alternative addition to the repertoire.
頁數: 3
重量(g): 51.03
UPC: 888680796044
