Concertstück pour Clarinette et Piano for Clarinet and Piano 鋼琴 豎笛
雷蒙-加盧瓦-蒙布朗(Raymond Gallois Montbrun,1918-1994 年)在獲得羅馬大獎兩年後,於 1946 年創作了單簧管與鋼琴協奏曲。他的小提琴協奏曲、日本交響曲和單簧管與鋼琴音樂會至今仍廣為流傳。為單簧管和鋼琴而作的音樂會曲目以一段技藝精湛的單簧管快板開始,涵蓋了單簧管的各種音域。樂曲自始至終保持著精湛的技藝,節奏、發音、力度、節奏、調號和時號變化多端。加洛瓦-蒙布倫的單簧管與鋼琴協奏曲是一首適合高級單簧管演奏家演奏的多變曲目,不容錯過
作曲家: Raymond Gallois Montbrun
樂器: Clarinet
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
Concertstuck Pour Clarinette
Raymond Gallois Montbrun (1918-1994) composed his Concertstück for Clarinet and Piano in 1946, two years after he won the Grand Prix de Rome. His Violin Concerto, Japan Symphony and Concertstück for Clarinet and Piano remain popular to this day. Concertstück for Clarinet and Piano begins with a virtuosic clarinet cadenza, covering a wide range on the instrument. The piece remains virtuosic throughout, with many changes of tempo, articulation, dynamics, rhythms, key signatures and time signatures throughout. As a suitable and varied piece for the repertoire of advanced clarinetists, Gallois Montbrun's Concertstück for Clarinet and Piano cannot be missed.